About Us

Our goal

Our goal is to help you avoid getting in such situations and remind you how important the reputation is. Reputation management is our bread and butter, so we can guarantee you the increased level of your customer’s trust and will make sure your company’s rating will go up as soon as we start working. Your reputation is our main priority, and we will take a good care of it.

Why is the reputation so important for business owners?

If you’re an entrepreneur or a small business owner, your reputation tells pretty much everything about you. Starting with how well you are paying your bills and loans and ending with how good your business ideas are. From time to time you might get unjustified negative reviews from people who are too rash in their conclusions or just don’t like your business. It happens and our goal is to fix it and help the businesses become more stable and sustainable against the odd bad review. It’s crucial to have some sort of shield against bad reviews that will most definitely keep going in on Google, Yelp, FB or platforms like this. You can’t prevent your customers from seeing them, so let’s try to get some gold stars instead.

How to start?

Well, it’s pretty simple. If you meet all of the following conditions, contact us and we’ll try to work something out:

  • Your reputation has taken a dip recently;
  • You’ve already tried to fix it on your own, but it’s not working out;
  • You’re ready to fix your reputation and are desperate for your reputation score and stars ratings to go up.

Moreover, if your business is going strong already, we can provide you with some kind of ‘shield’ against unexpected troubles that no one really is protected from.
So, get in touch and we’ll provide with all the additional information you might need. Hopefully together we can make your situation much better as soon as possible!